In today’s world, PowerPoint has become a household name. It is used by professionals for presentations and also on an everyday basis at home for school presentations. However, with the rise of technology in recent years, PowerPoint has been put into question as being a digital tool or just another type of presentation software.

So Is PowerPoint a Digital Tool? There is no doubt about it YES! since it’s a program its a digital tool, and it’s main reason to be is to create high quality presentations with outstanding visuals and simple to use interface just like its brothers Word and Excel do in their own fields.

Why is PowerPoint a Digital Tool So Famous?
– The PowerPoint application was first released for the Apple Macintosh on January 15, 1987 as “Presenter”, developed by Forethought Incorporated, which had historically been known for its spreadsheet software Lotus Improv (acquired by IBM) and graphics design program MacDraw (sold to Adobe).
But Why Is PowerPoint So Famous? Well it has become more popular than ever because since 2010 it became free for users running both Windows or OS X making it available on any computer.
What are the advantages of PowerPoint?
– PowerPoint has some advantages over other presentation applications. One of the more obvious is that it’s a Microsoft product, meaning that you can use it to create presentations with content from many different sources and in multiple formats (including PDF) which makes them very versatile for any type of situation.
You’ll also find lots of free templates available online once you google search “PowerPoint Templates” this makes the creation process effortless and fast.
Cool Stuff You can do On PowerPoint
Were are just going to scrape the top of what this tools can do, but you will get an idea of its capabilities.
Add animations and transitions.
To make your slides more interesting, you can add animations and transitions. There are a ton of different ones to choose from, but [insert your favorites]
– You could have text appear one letter at a time or change the color as it moves across the slide
– Add sound effects when something happens on screen like someone clapping their hands
– Have an object move around the screen in circles (for example)
Make use of the built-in shapes, images, and charts in PowerPoint.
For easy design you can insert shapes, images and charts on PowerPoint. Simply right click your mouse to access the options
– You can insert a shape like a rectangle or circle
– Insert an image from your computer file system
– Add in pie charts for data visualization
they include shapes, pictures and graphs to make it easier to visualize the data you are presenting.
All of these items are available when you click with the left button on any slide — just select what type of object that you want based on how it will be used.
We recommend that people use many types of graphics so their slides will be more interesting (e.g., do not place all pictures together).
Do not over saturate the slides with images and graphs.
Insert video clips into your presentations
You can do this with ease using the Video Tools tab on the Ribbon.
– Click on the Insert Video icon to get started.
– Select from your computer’s file system and find the video clip that you want to insert into PowerPoint, then click Open or OK. The insertion point for this video will be where it was inserted in PowerPoint, so use the mouse (or arrow keys) to move around within a presentation if needed.
The videos can also be edited and formatted using all of PowerPoint’s tools — including adding animation effects like fade in/out, as well as text boxes with formatting options like color change, size change and alignment changes.”
Group similar content
Keep things organized by grouping similar content together or by adding headers and footers to each slide this way , you can find the right content easily.
Save time by using keyboard shortcuts
Use shortcuts instead of clicking through menus every time you want to do something new. The shortcuts that you will use the most are:
– ALT + S to save a presentation,
– CTRL+ A for ALL items in a PowerPoint document such as Text Boxes and Shapes. This is also known as Select All or CMD+A on MacOS.
– F12 to toggle between Normal View and Slide Show mode so that you can see your finished product without having it take up all of your screen space while you work on it.
– CTRL+ TAB to switch tabs within PowerPoint like if you need access to another slide or other window with different content (e.g., Word Document). Alternatively, click the Tab Key at any time when using PowerPoint to move from one tab/window
What is the PowerPoint Alternative on Mac?
There are many PowerPoint Alternatives on the Mac. Many of them can be found in your App Store or through a Google search such as “PowerPoint alternative for mac” But if you want the apples to apples comparison of presentation tools you should go with Keynote.
Keynote Vs PowerPoint
If you are a mac user you probably already know about keynote.. It is a PowerPoint Alternative for Mac that allows you to create presentations.
Keynote features an intuitive and well-designed interface, drag-and-drop functionality, animations, transitions effects, charts and more.
The big difference between Keynote and PowerPoint are the animation tools in keynote which make it so much easier to animate text boxes or objects on your slides as opposed to using key frames in PowerPoint where it takes some practice.
There is also a feature called Magic Move which uses motion blur (think of when someone moves really fast) to help transition from one slide to another without having the audience lose their place on what was happening before they changed slides with magic move.
A lot of people like this because it’s one way that keynote has PowerPoint beat.
PowerPoint is the king of presentation tools. It’s simple interface and powerful features make it a great tool for anyone who wants to put together an effective, visually compelling presentation.
Not only can you use slideshows to present your information, but with PowerPoint you can also create diagrams, graphs, flow charts and more – all without having any design skills whatsoever! And if that weren’t enough already then wait until we tell you about how easy it is to share your presentations online or offline on any device in seconds.
Are there other digital tools out there? Sure! But when it comes to presenting content in an engaging way with just one click…nothing compares to good old PPT.
If you are interested in other tools checkout our home page its filled with them.